Monday, January 24, 2011

I make people lose their jobs.....hehehe

La main de Carlos. On a freestyler a mort sur ce coup ci. Photo pourrave....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cool stuff

Hi all,

I always strive to produce the best work I can...always. It's a long path to recognition, business relationships and all that comes with it. I've never pretended to be better than anyone.....I have everything to learn and I am grateful to co-exist with so many amazing artists. I look up to a lot of people and i would be nothing without them.

This month, for the first time ever, my work has been published in 2 magazines. RISE, a French publication, and Scandinavian Tattoo Magazine, which I am not sure where it is published as it is written in some foreign language (swedish or norwegian...)

Pick em up if you can !

thanks to all my clients for the amazing support.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gil Elvgren

Gil Elvgren, along Vargas and a few others, was a great pin up artist from way back (at least for my young age...). Fanny approached me with getting one of his pinup tattooed on her. This was very challenging....the face was pretty small and the details took a while. We also chose to do a duotone tattoo, using the original reds to make the greys pop. Or is it the opposite ?? Anyways, here you got both the reference and the tattoo.


Renald is a good friend of mine. I have been tattooing him for a while now. We were chillin at the shop the other day and decided it was time for his hand to get tattooed. He has a lower half sleeve we figured we'd do no harm. All done with the Hawk.

This is from a photo taken off the "Book of skulls". Great reference book for tattooers.

Trip to Pensacola, Xmas NYE 2010

Here are a couple pieces I did during my trip to Florida over Christmas.

First one is a Gallion and a rose I did on my friend David. This is the first session of many more to come. This took right about 2.5 hours. I played with some new colors this time and tried to mix it up a little bit. This piece definitely reconcilled me with color work. Next session will most likely be in April/May of this year.

This one is a Vegas themed leg piece on Ryan. This time we added the rose with a "7" in the center as well as "hard luck" in script style just above. We also added the "13" on top. A few more hours and we'll be done.